Taita Taveta National Polytechnic Subscribed Databases

Title of the Database
Covers e-books in technical and vocational training. (TVETS) including carpentry Primary Agriculture, Primary Health Civil Engineering and Building Construction Drawing Office Practice, electrical Infrastructure Construction, Engineering and Related Design, Finance, Economics and Accounting, Hospitality Education and Development, Mechatronics, Office Administration, Process Instrumentation Process Plant Operations, Safety in Society, Tourism, Hairdressing etc.
ProQuest eBook Central
ProQuest eBook Central
ProQuest preserves rich, vast and varied information - whether historical archives or today's scientific breakthroughs - and packages it with digital technologies that enhance its discovery, sharing and management.
Project Muse
Project Muse
Project MUSE is your trusted source for the highest quality books and journals in the humanities and social sciences from over 200 of the world's most distinguished university presses and scholarly societies.
Taylor & Francis Journals
Taylor & Francis Journals
The Taylor & Francis Online Journal Library brings together online journal content from three of the world's leading publishers: Taylor & Francis, Routledge, and Psychology Press. It offers full text access to the complete portfolio of over 2,000 journals covering a wide range of subject areas - from the social sciences and humanities to science and technology.
Taylor and Francis eBooks
Taylor and Francis eBooks
5,000 titles (Perpetual Access) Access to the world's premier Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Built Environment, STM and Law content.
Wiley Online Library
Wiley Online Library
The Wiley Online Library focuses on providing scientific publications like academic journals, articles, essays, case studies, and more.
EBSCOhost Database
EBSCOhost Database
The databases provide access to just over 16,500 abstracted and indexed journals from all branches of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.
Emerald Insight
Emerald Insight
Management and library & information services journals. The service also provides access to leading titles in marketing, business disciplines, engineering and materials science.
OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD's analysis and data.
University of Chicago Press
University of Chicago Press
The journals present original research from international scholars in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Biological and Medical Sciences, and Physical Sciences
Henry Stewart Talks Ltd
Henry Stewart Talks Ltd
Subject Strength: Biomedicine, Life Sciences, Marketing and Management collection
Covers Economics, History, Political science, Archeology, African Studies, Music, Art & Art History, Business, Ecology & Botany, Language & Literature, Mathematics & Statistics
Royal Society
Royal Society
Subject strength: biochemistry, immunology, bioinformatics, ecology, microbiology and many more
E-duke journals scholarly collection
E-duke journals scholarly collection
SAfrican studies, anthropology, art & art history, asian studies, criticism & theory, cultural studies, economics, education, environmental humanities, ethnography, european studies, fiction & poetry, film & media studies, gender & sexuality studies, literary studies,

Open Access eBooks and Databases

Title of the Database
TVET Academy
TVET Academy
The TVET Academy, a Toulouse humanitarian association, supports professional training for disadvantaged young people in developing countries .
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is on online library of over 60,000 free eBooks. It was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. You will find the world's great literature here, with a focus on older works. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.
PDF Drive Free Ebooks
PDF Drive Free Ebooks
PDF Drive is a free search engine which allows you to search, preview and download millions of PDF files into your devices.
Free Ebook Centre
Free Ebook Centre
Freebookcentre.net contains links to thousands of free online technical books. Which Include core computer science, networking, Electronics, Science, Medical and many more...
KNLS Vtabu is a digital library that promotes access to information, literacy, education, research, and innovation, with inclusivity, collaboration, and partnerships.The content is available in different formats like; documents, videos, infographics, photo galleries, memes, how to guides, case studies, research data and podcasts. It brings together digital content originating from authors, publishers, artists, entertainers, bloggers, vloggers, film producers, music producers and many more.
Z-library is a free online library containing over 100 million books. Anyone can download e-books from this website without registration and in many formats.
Kenya Law
Get access to Laws of Kenya, Kenya Law Reports, Kenya Gazette, among other publications through the website of the National Council for Law Reporting (Kenya).