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Message from the Principal.
Taita Taveta National Polytechnic is situated at Tsavo area 2km away from Voi Town, Sophia area after Tavevo Water Company offices, Voi in Taita Taveta County. The Taita Taveta National Polytechnic was established in 1981 by the government to provide business and technical skills for school leavers. The Polytechnic is situated in Taita Taveta County, Voi town, just about 150km north of Mombasa and 350 km from the city of Nairobi. TTNP is built on a 42 acres land and is registered by the TVETA as per the TVET Act 2013. TTNP implements TVET-CDACC, KNEC, KASNEB, NITA, and ICDL curricular as developed and examined by TVET-CDACC, KNEC, KASNEB, NITA, ICDL, respectively.
Trainers in TTNP are employed by Public Service Commission through the Ministry of Education State Department of Vocational and Technical Training and licensed by TVETA as required by the TVET Act 2013. The Polytechnic has over 140 (both permanent and part-time) competent trainers who deliver quality and effective training. These trainers are continuously undergoing capacity internally, through KATTI training workshops and other professional forums. Others are sponsored to further their education by GOK-AfDB program for relevant skill upgrading and also through KTTC for pedagogical trainings.
The managements skills are provided through KSG and KEMI. The expansion and reforms witnessed in technical and vocational training has been necessitated by Kenya’s objective of industrialization as contained in the Vision 2030 and the MDGs. For these to be realized, it is imperative to develop and effectively utilize the country’s human, physical and financial resources. The Kenya Vision 2030 blue print recognizes human resource development as key to rapid development. Highly trained and flexible human resource that has the relevant knowledge and skills requires sustained and continuous Training and training of content developed and implemented in close consultation with industry.
The Polytechnic has established and manage income generating projects to supplement its main source. We engage in Corporate Social Responsibility programs and offer a number of courses that benefit the community. The Polytechnic has also established a food factory that produce food products to the local community while at the same time offer the much-needed hands on experience to some of the hospitality trainees (Baking and confectionery).
A driving school is ready to have its first intake at class C and class B by March 2022 as licensing procedures are complete and training already on site. TTNP has established Women in Technical Education (WITED) in championing the rights of the girl child and enhancing equal access to training opportunities. WITED champions organize celebration for the International Day for the girl child that attracts participants from all levels of education in the County and also carry out marketing of courses to improve girl child enrolment in male dominated courses.
TTNP has three campuses; town campus situated in the central business district of Voi Town, Kasghau Campus at Kiteghe-Kasgau and the main campus at Sophia, Voi. The main campus is situated in the rich tourism region of Tsavo National Park with proximity to the various hotels, iron ore and gemstone mining zones and Camps. These make TTNP an ideal campus for the type of training that it offers. The Main campus offers both residential and off Campus training.
The Polytechnic has well equipped library, E-library, training restaurants, a tourist class hotel which is intended to serve both as a training facility and as an incubation facility serving other clients in search of quality and affordable hospitality services. TTNP has also embarked on renovations and improvement of the general infrastructural facilities to make a conducive and attractive training environment for healthy trainees and staff.
TTNP has fairly equipped workshops for all the areas of training and planning to expand them to cater for the growing population of trainees. TTNP is the largest, oldest and best equipped Technical and Vocational College in Taita Taveta County and has mentored seven other TVCs in the county and beyond. The Polytechnic is actively involved in research and doing incubation of entrepreneurs from trainee through the Colleges and Institutes Canada-SITVES project, also identified as centre for driving by NTSA, an application already under consideration.
Prepared by: Show Fondo Kalama
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